At Constelleum, accessibility is at the heart of our mission. Learn more about our commitment in About Us.

Key highlights

  • Flexible: Play Constelleum using your favorite input.
  • Minimal: Experience the full game with just one hand.
  • Customizable: Tailor every aspect of the game to what you need.


Supported controls

  • Game pad: Game pads that connect to Steam let players use the directional pads and buttons to move and select.
  • Mouse only: Every interface interaction or game action includes a clickable button, card, or board tile.
  • Keyboard only: The UI and the play field are fully navigable with arrow keys and the enter key.
  • Touch: Tablets running Windows can use the touch with on-screen buttons.
  • Multiple Devices: Multiple input devices can be used simultaneously. So play on mouse and keyboard, or a dance pad and a touch screen!

Control options

  • Fully re-mappable - All controls can be changed in-game for all supported control schemes.
  • Minimal input - The game is fully controllable with six inputs: Accept, cancel, and four directions for navigation. A joystick can replace the separate inputs for navigation.
  • Auto-selection and auto-confirmation: By default, we want to ensure users know what they are agreeing to before they submit a card. However, players who want fewer clicks can toggle automatic selections in the settings, which automatically selects and confirms actions for which only one choice is available. For example, a Disrupt action with only one target within range.


  • Colorblind options and customizable colors:
    • User Interface (UI) panel and font colors are customizable via a color picker.
    • Pre-configured colorblind profiles are available. We will continue to expand the catalogue, prioritizing player requests.
  • Background modulation: Background animations can be disabled.
  • Outline modulation: The outlines that surround characters, teammates, and enemies can be adjusted to preference or for need.
  • Customizable text size: UI, Card, and Field Text sizes are all customizable. Great care has been taken to maintain readability across display ratios.
  • Resizable window: The game window can be expanded to a preferred size or toggled to full-screen.
  • Visual indicators: All audio cues are accompanied by visual indicators.


  • Turn-based mechanics: A finely-tuned game pace reduces the need for quick reactions while requiring thoughtful strategy and competitive tactics.
  • Adjustable timers: Game timers can be adjusted in lobby settings. New players can slow down to learn and experienced players can increase the intensity for a race against the clock.
  • Comprehensive tooltips: Every game element includes an informational tooltip that describe related game mechanics. The opponents are the challenge, not the rules.

Please, ask for what you need

Our current accessibility features are based on our accessibility vision and standard industry practices, but we believe we can improve.

  • Help us be better: If you need a specific feature to play the game, please let us know at This is why we made Constelleum.
  • Commitment to accessibility: We aim to continue to make the game as accessible as possible.
  • Player centered: We trust you to know what you need, but we strive to deliver without having been asked.