New Characters
Since the last devlog, we have been heads down building, polishing, and testing. We are very happy to announce 3 new playable characters, Gimbal, Gnamma, and Selene! Check them out on the character gallery page! For the rest of this article, I will dig further into each character than the summary cards present.
People who follow the game or have had a chance to play test it will recognize some of the new faces in the gallery. Gimbal, Gnamma, and Selene have appeared in play tests for some time as we refined their design and mechanics. Come join us on Discord if you would like to be a play-tester!

Gimbal has more than an electric personality, they also control electricity itself! A scientist and engineer, Gimbal plays with an array of gadgets powered by their un-patented Jolt Jars. Think of Jolt Jars like magic batteries they allow Gimbal to build up or release Charge.
Players familiar with how Valencia’s Adrenaline builds up may notice similarities with Gimbal’s charge. Gimbal can spend Charge to activate or increase the effects of their cards on their turn. Planning ahead becomes important, as Charge can be hard to come by.
Dissimilar to Valencia, however, Gimbal creates persistent (and dangerous!) Obstacles that change the playing field. The Obstacles allow Gimbal to architect the flow of play, enabling allies or hampering opponents. Gimbal is a great choice for players that want to set a trap or play 2 steps ahead of the opposing team.

If Kaleesi is the mother of dragons, then Gnamma is the mother of warthogs. Top Hat and Mullbery (development names that just stuck, and we love that they did) are Gnamma’s Companions that can be Summoned to help on the field.
Gnamma is similar to Gimbal in her “set-and-forget” nature. Top Hat and Mulberry play their own cards at the beginning of each round. During their turns, they are controlled by our Companion engine, a rule-based artificial intelligence (AI) system. The rules are designed to be easily interpretable, so Players can play around the furry little beasts.
Gnamma is the primary choice for players that want to role-play as a Pokemon trainer. But do not think that Gnamma is passive! Gnamma’s deck is stacked with cards that let her act through her Companions via Extend, giving her one of the widest range of influence available in the game.

Selene can become a hulking, biting, clawing wolf at the drop of a pin. When she takes a break from more lupine endeavors, she enjoys throwing players around the field with anti-gravity. Supportive and disruptive, Selene can change the face of the field with a single meteoric strike.
Selene was one of the first characters conceptualized for Constelleum. We always wanted support-style characters to have tools for direct impact. Selene’s cards are kitted to force other players, both teammates and opponents, to new locations on the field. She also includes some options to Fortify (heal) her teammates as well as adding and removing statuses.
Selene’s change in play style is triggered by Shift, and it is not subtle. From a floating, flowing form to a biting, brawling beast. As a wolf, all of Selene’s cards flip to be completely different cards. Wolf cards are focused on taking and dealing damage. As a wolf, Selene cannot pick up or score Orbs, but she also becomes Stubborn and cannot be defeated.
And More
People who follow the game or have had a chance to test it will recognize some familiar faces that have been beautifully restored. The changes in art accompany in-game animation and shader improvements, leading to more satisfying and responsive gameplay.
Stay tuned as we regularly release new cards, new animations, and new particle effects.